Only a true harry potter fan can score 610 on this. Sparknotes is here for you weve got everything you need to ace or teach. How does dobby punish himself for visiting harry on privit dr what is mrs. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets is the second book j.
What would your role in the chamber of secrets be harry. Jun 02, 2017 harry potter and the chamber of secrets. Welcome to the quizmoz the chamber of secrets quiz. Books harry potter quiz harry potter quizzes harry potter and the chamber of chamber of secrets quizzes report. Question 1 whats the name of the elf that tries to stop harry from going back to hogwarts. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets chapter 1 draft.
After hermiones attack, when do all the students have to be back in the common room at night. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz quibblo. Inside youll find 30 daily lessons, 20 fun activities, 180 multiple choice questions, 60 short essay questions, 20 essay questions, quizzeshomework assignments, tests, and more. How many people sent lockhart valentines day cards. Other results for harry potter chamber of secrets accelerated reader answers. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz by sarahpurple12. Also explains the historical and literary context that influenced harry potter and the chamber of secrets.
A quiz on the events and characters of the second book of the harry potter series, the chamber of secrets. Think you can remember all of the little details from the book. If you get a hundred percent on this quiz you are totally obsessed with harry potter. Apr 25, 2019 harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz answers what is the first line of the harry potter and the chamber of secrets movie. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets the secrets, secrets. What is the last name of the family that was having dinner at the dursleys. This is a quiz for the book, harry potter and the chamber of secrets.
What was not a way dobby tried to save harry potter. How well do you know the harry potter and the chamber of secrets book. Harry potter chamber of secrets quiz childrens books. I just saw and loved harry potter and the chamber of secrets and had to do a quiz itll be an easy one. This quiz is entirely based on the book, harry potter and the chamber of secrets. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets flashcards quizlet.
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets assessment packet is an assessment packet to be used after reading harry potter and the chamber of secrets by j. Harry and hartlyn potter and the chamber of secrets backroads. Test your knowledge on this literature quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others. The worlds largest collection of chamber of secrets trivia quizzes in our movies category. Do you know harry potter and the chamber of secrets. Ultimate harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz. How many questions are on the harry potter and the chamber. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets worksheets.
Chamber of secrets trivia and quizzes movie trivia. Home quizzes childrens books quizzes childrens books. The chamber of secrets book quiz can you answer all these questions correctly. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets trivia and quizzes. Happy quizzing and please feel free to leave any feedback thank you x. What would your role in the chamber of secrets be harry potter ceceeethereee. Harry is back at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and ready for a new. Quizzes personality quiz quiz harry potter lord voldemort gloucester cathedral hogwarts express evanna lynch harry potter and the chamber of secrets rubeus hagrid harry potter and the philosophers stone hermione granger ron weasley. The chamber of secrets is very similar to the philosophers stone. Take our free harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test your knowledge. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets questions and answers. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets quizzes online. More harry potter and the chamber of secrets quizzes. Harry potter and the chamber of secretschapter 1 quiz.
How well do you remember harry potter and the chamber of. Only 2% of harry potter fans passed this tricky quiz. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz that tests what you know. An end of the book comprehension quiz in both a multiple choice and short answer format. Who was the victim of the the chamber of secrets opening up the first time. Module quizzes the secrets, secrets are no fun quiz. Do you know all the little details that many miss each time they watch it. Just to tell you you should problably keep the book in handy while taking this quiz. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz, free quizzes. Chamber of secrets quiz 25 questions fun trivia quizzes. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets very hard 5 comments. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with bring me. Gilderoy lockhart repairs harrys arm with what spell.
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets lesson plans for. Take these quizzes and discover how much you really know about the wizarding world. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz quizmoz. Which of the following was not given as part of lockharts first class quiz. What color dress did aunt petunia wear to the dinner party. How well do you remember harry potter and the chamber of secrets. Not really fair to take a point off just cos didnt go with yes sad face 1.
This includes questions about some of the best moments and quotes from the film. The first line of the movie is i cant let you out hedwig, im not allowed to use magic outside of school. Some randomly chosen questions from harry potter and the chamber of secrets. Quizmoz offers one of the internets largest collection of quizzes for you to tease your brain and pit your wits against the experienced quizmoz quiz masters. Welcome to the quizmoz harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz. The question and answer section for harry potter and the chamber of secrets is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Think youve got your head wrapped around harry potter and the chamber of secrets. Our online harry potter and the chamber of secrets trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top harry potter and the chamber of secrets quizzes.
This focuses on harrys second year at hogwarts and the adventures of him and his friends. Please keep in mind that this is a quiz over the movie, and the movie differs a little from the book. Which house was moaning myrtle in when she was alive. The subterranean chamber of secrets was created by salazar slytherin without the knowledge of his three fellow founders of hogwarts. Take a free quiz on harry potter and the chamber of secrets by j.
May 06, 2017 quizzes personality quiz quiz harry potter lord voldemort gloucester cathedral hogwarts express evanna lynch harry potter and the chamber of secrets rubeus hagrid harry potter and the philosophers stone hermione granger ron weasley. This quiz will test how much you were paying attention while reading the second book to the harry potter series. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz 2020 potter. Harry potter and the chamber of secretschapter 1 draft.
The question and answer section for harry potter and the chamber of secrets is a great resource to. This quiz contains 25 different questions regarding harry potter and the chamber of secrets that some may find difficult. Based on the clue guess these harry potter answers. A comprehensive database of harry potter and the chamber of secrets quizzes online, test your knowledge with harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz questions. This product will help you to assess your students on their vocabulary, comprehension, and. Here is my quiz dedicated to the second of j k rowlings harry potter series the chamber of secrets. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets proprofs quiz. All the questions come from the books not the movies, good luck take this quiz. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets the secrets. When is gilderoy lockharts birthday and what would his ideal gift be.
Yes, harry potter and the chamber of secrets is an accelerated reader book. Though a little darker in tone than its predecessor, this second entry in the harry potter franchise is still undoubtedly a. This focuses on harrys second year at hogwarts and the. The harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz proprofs quiz. With what language does harry open the chamber of secrets. Inside youll find 30 daily lessons, 20 fun activities, 180 multiple choice questions, 60 short essay questions, 20 essay questions, quizzes homework assignments, tests.
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets quizzes gradesaver. Check it by taking the tests and quizzes here for free now. The questions in this quiz are based on the first harry potter book the philosophers stone. Do you need harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz related questions and answers. Ultimate harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz gotoquiz. This is a 31 page test packet for harry potter and the chamber of secrets, by j. Only a real harry potter fan can get them all correct. Where are harry and ron before they are taken to the hospital wing to see the petrified hermione. The chamber was, for many centuries, believed to be a myth. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets book quiz bookroo. Harry potter chamber of secrets accelerated reader answers. Chamber of secrets random literature or harry potter quiz. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz searching for harry potter and the chamber of secrets quiz.
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets trivia quizzes in our video games category. Perfect prep for harry potter and the chamber of secrets quizzes and tests you might have in school. Youve been inactive for a while, logging you out in a few seconds. Just watching the movie wont help with many of the questions. Royals smeltings stonewall high kromwell high previous question next question. Keep in mind this quiz is quite long and you might not like the. According to the legend of the chamber of secrets, who build a secret chamber at hogwarts.
Jun 01, 20 this is a quiz for the book, harry potter and the chamber of secrets. Books harry potter quiz harry potter quizzes harry potter and the chamber of chamber of secrets quizzes. Girl completed action adventure fanfiction 7 months ago second installment in the harry and hartlyn potter series in harrys fifth year, hes sent to the room of requirement with several other people to read the stories of his life. Perfect prep for harry potter and the chamber of secrets quizzes and tests you might. If you think youre a harry potter and the chamber of secrets buff, take our quiz to see if you know your way around this movie. Test your knowledge on this movies quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets is the second installment of the legendary franchise. Go ahead and find out what you know about yourself and the world around you.
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